Saturday, August 31, 2002


In a galaxy far far away……

Alex, Simon, Brendan and I entered a team in Alex’s car for NONT, none of us having competed in the event before. Alex went all our with her costume, a white sheet thing and varnished bagels aka Princess Leia, Simon had Jedi robes and I had mu multipurpose NONT costume. Since Brendan didn’t come with anything he was forced into a pair of PVC pants and a chick’s top which was a good call because we got extra points just by pointing out the pants at some checkpoints. Lots of other rovers had gone all out with costumes, not surprising considering the amount of promotion for the event.

After some creative navigation we were pulled over by the Police, not for the navigation though, so we let Alex deal with that in costume looking like a member of KKK without her bagels on. Following that, but not because of that, Alex was feeling pretty sick and from that point onwards managed to throw up about once ever stage of the course so Brendan took over the driving. Added to that just before the half way point both the headlights went out when we had no idea where we were…

We did pretty well at most of the navigation considering it was our first NONT, although we did give up on the crow’s foot. We eventually finished at woodhouse at daybreak, finishing in 6th position. Considering the time effort and promotion of the event I’d hate to be the one to run the next NONT.