EV 05: Dawn of the Living Dead

Anstey was once again an Activity Crew and six of us went up; Michael, Brendan, Simon, Ash, Marc and myself. We ran four activities the first the cube of death; a giant cube of fridge boxes filled with dog bone biscuits and 2 glow in the dark skeletons in bits. Venturers were blindfolded and needed to get as many bits as possible and the construct the skeletons. Apparently dog biscuits taste like a cross between Nutrigrain and Vitabrits. We had two giant dot to dots, one was a bat and there was some debate to the other one, what started as a cat was also found to be a werewolf or a rabbit. The unlocking the dead involved a tree covered in keys and 2 locked boxes, this proved to be incredibly simple for some teams or so hard for other teams that they couldn’t unlock either box. Our last activity was coffin racing, with the coffins made up by Simon and venturers having to race around as pallbearers, unfortunately this was on the Sunday when everything was at Roonka so there were less teams doing activities.
Venturers also got stuck into collecting the set of 60 trading cards from Rovers and other leaders with the most sought after being the signed Michael Woodward card. Although ash signed a whole stack of Ash from army of Darkness with different colour pens and pancake mix for extra points for the team. Aside from activities we also has teams sculling milk, eating flour, snorting tang and I even managed to get myself some 2 minute noodles for a trading card.
Back at camp we had candle lit dinners and reasonable food, at least we didn’t have the salad sandwiches that theme team had. Simon even fixed the Armstrong water tank on the Friday night. We helped set up some of the disco on the Sunday night, most importantly we set up the bubbleator, which venturers were asking about during the weekend. after a few repairs and makeshif parts it was good to go and once again looked great. unfortunately there was an injury when a venturer was pushed in and cut her leg on the metal holding down the hose.
Venturer feedback about the activities was good and the compliments from other EV departments regarding the assistance provided by the Rovers were outstanding. Despite the amount of work, I’m sure most people had a lot of fun and the outstanding efforts of the Rovers really promoted the section to both Venturers and other Leaders.
Photos can be found Here