Saturday, October 22, 2005
Brendan, Marc and I went to show our support at the Northern Light Theatre Company’s production of Scrooge at the Shedly Theatre on the opening night. This is mainly because Daniel is in the show and plays a number of different parts from the Town crier to a Clown (with quite possibly the most embarrassing clown costume ever made). The show was pretty good and as it was the opening night there were a few technical difficulties, which made for good entertainment, the best of which was the goatie falling off the ghost of Christmas present in the middle of a song. The other negative was that there was also a blue light disco in the other side of the building so the toilets were shared and police standing at the doors of them. After the show everyone was then kind enough to escort me to Woodhouse for a conference.
Monday, October 10, 2005
Almost Summer…
We had a very productive Crew and NONT meeting on Sunday, and so it should have been since it went for the best part of the day. Nevertheless we still got through everything, and picked a theme after going in circles for several months. We had a BBQ lunch out by the pool almost like its summer, with the exception of a covered up green pool, which got an uber dose of chlorine for good luck and even the garden got weeded while we were waiting.
Sunday, October 09, 2005
And All That Jazz
Having a Friday night off of scouts Daniel, Brendan, Marc and Myself went out to Club 199 which on Friday nights is a Jazz Club. It was a really nice venue with mood lighting, tables and booths upstairs with really cheap drinks to go with it. Not dingy smokey atmosphere that some people associate with Jazz clubs. The band was pretty good and played a fair bit of Miles Davis and Michael Buble amongst other stuff. The Sax player had an uncanny resemblance to Damian and one of the others looked like Sam from Lord of the Rings. Possibly better was the few people who got up and danced who were pretty damn good at what they did. We even saw a couple of people that we knew. Afterwards we headed off to San Gorgios for some very fine pizza. Funnily enough we went to a resturant the next night called Jazz, though spelt JAHZ.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Recharge 2005
A fairly small turnout for Recharge this year, especially for Anstey with Brendan and Myself sharing a tent and meals with Daniel and Michael who came up for Saturday. Nevertheless it was a nice enough event, based in the middle of the grassy and somewhat boggy Oakbank Racecourse which fairly nice weather all weekend.
Following the Ramble we are now quite proficient at packing and setting up everything, which was pretty evident when we arrived, although long wet grass and Hills climate was quite a change from red sand or rock and warm nights. A small, smokey fire featured all three nights with a fairly quiet and relaxed atmosphere with the exception of Benny and Rob’s arguments about politics.
Saturday Brendan, Michael and I went off the Birdwood Motor museum which was interesting and every 5 seconds or so I would wish I had a camera! We then travelled to the Giant Rocking Horse for a climb, again wishing for the camera and came back down for lunch. There’s nothing like the smell of woodwork and the toyshop has a whole stack of old
school toys including a lawn mower, which actually turned when pushed. All I bought was a small flying cow which bobs when you push its base… we were also convinced to go for a walk through the animal enclosure which was packed with different things; swans, peacocks, galahs, ducks, sheep, chickens and so forth which were all eager for some food. We even saw a duck with a cleft pallet, which I kept trying to feed. During the night the 100 club was run once again, unfortunately resulting in the lowest thing I have EVER seen while ive been in Rovers, boys actually peeing into bottles at the table so they could continue drinking....
Brendan and I want into Hahndorf on Sunday and back to camp to pick up Craig. We then went the Birdwood wine and cheese for tastings and although I will never ever touch goat cheese ever again, there were some nice cheese and wines. The highlight of the weekend was probably going Geocaching, which neither Brendan or I had done before, since Craig had the GPS and info on some local Caches. So we went back to the horse and ended up tramping through the centre of a national park in Charleston which was very picturesque and had lots of native orchids only to find an easy track around the fence to get back to the car.
The standard boat races and drag race were run Sunday night with the handbag and beer bottle toss and a pie eating competition. Our Apple Pie was commandeered by Craig as a makeshift birthday cake for Kirsty though he was less successful at finding a candle.
Monday most people ended up going to Grumpy’s for wood oven pizza for lunch which was nice enough, although it was over an hour wait to actually get it. Daniel tried making friends with the giant goat out the back too. Never park your car within reaching distance of a goat on a rope….
There are a small number of photos from Recharge Here
More photos can also be found at Aesir's Website and another report at the Recharge site

Saturday Brendan, Michael and I went off the Birdwood Motor museum which was interesting and every 5 seconds or so I would wish I had a camera! We then travelled to the Giant Rocking Horse for a climb, again wishing for the camera and came back down for lunch. There’s nothing like the smell of woodwork and the toyshop has a whole stack of old

Brendan and I want into Hahndorf on Sunday and back to camp to pick up Craig. We then went the Birdwood wine and cheese for tastings and although I will never ever touch goat cheese ever again, there were some nice cheese and wines. The highlight of the weekend was probably going Geocaching, which neither Brendan or I had done before, since Craig had the GPS and info on some local Caches. So we went back to the horse and ended up tramping through the centre of a national park in Charleston which was very picturesque and had lots of native orchids only to find an easy track around the fence to get back to the car.

Monday most people ended up going to Grumpy’s for wood oven pizza for lunch which was nice enough, although it was over an hour wait to actually get it. Daniel tried making friends with the giant goat out the back too. Never park your car within reaching distance of a goat on a rope….
There are a small number of photos from Recharge Here
More photos can also be found at Aesir's Website and another report at the Recharge site