Tuesday, July 06, 2004

News Paper Hockey

Anstey Vs Blackburn

Anstey Rovers challenged Blackburn to a game of newspaper hockey as a ST Georges Challenge on Saturday July 4th at the Hopevalley Scout Hall. For the underprivileged of you out there who never played this game in scouts it consists of a bean bag, rolled up newspaper bats and 2 chairs for goals.
The games wasn’t that long with half time called after 15 minutes when it was discovered that Rovers have neither the energy or stamina that they had in scouts.
I dare say that not one person left without a bruise, ache or pain of some description especially Barg who spent most of the time on the ground. However fortunately the only blood drawn was before the game for which my profuse apologies go to Simon Taylor.
Despite a complete lack of fitness (except for Simon), Anstey finally defeated Blackburn 28-17. The day was concluded with dinner at Fasta Pasta with the suggestions of a meatball challenge.

Thanks to Blackburn for going along with our challenge and to Julian for acting as our referee and photographer. We look forward to a crew finally challenging us to something, as long as it’s not so physical!!


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