Sunday, February 20, 2005

AdVenture Expo

Brendan, Michael and myself helped out with the Easter Venture display at the years AdVenture Expo on the 18th. the Expo is a night for Venturers where they do some small activities run mostly by the adventurous activity teams and can see displays on things or activities relevant to them. Unfortunately promoting EV required being in theme (horror) so Brendan was given a brown hooded cloak and blood coming out of his eyes, which is apparently really itchy. Since Michael came late he was given the worst costume ever -a stripy flannelette sheet (every one has one of these at home I’m sure) with two eyeholes cut out, making him a stripy ghost. I’d already bought a Goth dress for EV but hadn’t modified it as yet. There wasn’t too much for us to do, EV ran apple carving and a game outside and that left us to pretty much just look the part. Afterwards we went down to Café De Villis for some pretty good food considering most of us hadn’t eaten all night.

Alex had her “Bad Shirt” house warming this night but unfortunately since the expo went so long we weren’t able to make it but Simon did go.


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